Sunday, September 03, 2006

It's a beautiful day....

After the lousy weather yesterday I would have never thought it would be SO beautiful today. The temperature was about 72 degrees with a light breeze and an abundance of sunshine. We made the most of the weather as we know around here it does not last very long. In fact, they are forcasting a morning low of 36 degrees later this week.

After mowing the lawn, Tim picked more blackberries in preparation for actually making the blackberry crumble. Here he is having a taster of those he was picking :-)

It is all about the quality control!

In addition to the berries we had forgotten all about the plum trees that are in the back of the yard. They did not grow very well last year, actually they didn't bear any fruit so we forgot to check this year. Well, this year we have a ton of plums.

The boys had fun climbing the tree and had even more fun not only picking the fruit but throwing rotten ones at each other.....BOYS! The plums are very sweet and juicy and I think we found them at just the right time. You can't go better than FREE fresh fruits :-)

Tim has a basketful to put out at work...I know, the person who never takes things into work is taking plums SO they must be good !!


Anonymous said...

Those berries look so good - what do you do with plums??? Good to see Tim in a picture. Hope your weather stays nice for a little while - at least until school starts!

Diana said...

I am sure Tim will look just like Little Red Riding Hood going to work with his Longaberger Basket of Plums:0