Wednesday, January 16, 2008

For Kathy...

A week or so ago in a post on Kathy's blog I made a comment about Gordon Ramsey and I had a story to tell about him. Well, she reminded me that I need to make the post about that and I am sure she is thinking it is really much more exciting that what is really is but you go.

One of our TV stations is doing a 'cooking' think the month of January and Gordon Ramsey is involved in it. This Friday there will be a real-time, live cookalong show with him. You can get all the details here and there are even cooking masterclasses you can watch online too! The gist is that good family cooking can be easy and tasty at the same time. The menu for this program looks very good and I will be cooking along too!
So basically, the story is YOU can cook with Gordon in your own home. See, I told you...not very exciting!


2 kids...3 martinis said...

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm so excited!! Sexy picture too! Thank you Suzanne!!!!!!!! :) I think I'll have to try this cooking along thing as well. :)~

Diana said...

How in the HECK can she think he is sexy?