OK...who wants THESE???

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. That is why we call it the present.
As told by Suzanne at 12:06 PM Your Thoughts(2)
As told by Suzanne at 5:33 PM Your Thoughts(1)
Ok, I am sure I am not the only person who does not look forward to doing laundry. But while here I really dread doing the laundry.
To show the point I give you these tidbits of information:
The average washing machine here in the UK has a front opening of just under 10 inches while in the US it is 15 inches.
The average depth of a UK machine is 10 inches deep and a US one is 17 inches!
So you see what I am talking about? It takes much longer to get it done here. I have to do a ton of little loads rather than a few larger ones. I am SO over it. I cannot begin to explain my excitement of a new washer and dryer and doing laundry in the new house.
How sad is that?
As told by Suzanne at 5:14 AM Your Thoughts(6)
The inspection on the new house was today and it all went fine as nothing major was discovered. We were not too concerned as the homeowner appeared to take great pride in his home. The things that did pop up were minor and can be remedied quite easily and with little expense.
A HUGE thank you to Karen for going to the inspection and acting on our behalf. It sounds like she had a very nice time...the homeowners wife made them muffins and coffee ~ gotta love that!
I am still surprised that I am moving to a house that I have not even seen in person...what am I thinking? After speaking to Karen, I truly believe that we are making the right decision on this house and Tim really does know what I like.
As told by Suzanne at 1:09 PM Your Thoughts(3)
As told by Suzanne at 4:37 PM Your Thoughts(0)
I just received this via email and as nothing exciting is happening here I decided that it had to be shared here......
As told by Suzanne at 11:38 AM Your Thoughts(1)
The mystery of weather never ceases to amaze me. The weather here locally has been rain, rain and more rain. In fact, there is quite a bit of flooding and even the roads in our village are flooded. Yet, if you travel 20 minutes north of here it is not rain you come across but SNOW!
**the photos were not taken by me but from our local news**
Here is a little FYI for you too.....
If you don’t like Mondays, you’ll really hate today, Monday 21st January. It’s officially been named Blue Monday by a psychologist at Cardiff University, who has used a mathematical formula to prove that it’s the most depressing day of the year.
As told by Suzanne at 1:31 PM Your Thoughts(3)
As told by Suzanne at 4:57 AM Your Thoughts(2)
Found this today and thought it was quite funny. It is appropriate as the joke back in Indiana is that you will always come across a hillbilly, as Tyler would say HB, or two when out.So ~ here is my new name for our return. Go on, try it for yourself.....I bet you spend a lot of time on the website playing with the quizzes etc. I know I did.
Your Hillbilly Name Is... |
![]() |
As told by Suzanne at 7:57 AM Your Thoughts(2)
I have received requests wanting to see the house so here you go.....I will post more once we have the inspection.
As told by Suzanne at 9:17 AM Your Thoughts(2)
As told by Suzanne at 6:47 PM Your Thoughts(1)
A week or so ago in a post on Kathy's blog I made a comment about Gordon Ramsey and I had a story to tell about him. Well, she reminded me that I need to make the post about that and I am sure she is thinking it is really much more exciting that what is really is but anyway.....here you go.
As told by Suzanne at 5:19 AM Your Thoughts(2)
I read about this in a newspaper article from Columbus Indiana, where will be moving back to, and had to share. This is such a NEAT idea and I am hoping it really takes off and a certain someone, hint hint, will go and take photos and post them on her blog. I can't wait to see the finished projects.
As told by Suzanne at 4:01 PM Your Thoughts(3)
Well I can happily say we have started the new house negotiations! Oh my goodness......our initial offer has been submitted to the home owner and it is now in his hands. We fully expect a counter offer as we did not offer him full price and the home has only been on the market for 2 weeks. I am hoping that a 'meeting of the minds' will occur and by the end of this week we will be one step closer to life in the US again.
Once again we seem to be buying or selling a house when we are away ~ this time, rather than being on vacation, Tim is away on business in China :-} Go figure.!!
As told by Suzanne at 8:36 AM Your Thoughts(3)
OK...I guess I am a bit naive when it comes to the price of kitchen appliances and was SHOCKED to see what it could possibly cost me to put new stuff in our new house ~ {you know, the one we don't have yet and won't know until we see paperwork and formally submit and offer} ~ so of course I have started my 'research' just in case.
WOW is all I can say...I wasn't even looking at the top of the line stuff and I was coming up with a price tag of over $4000, not $400 but $4000 and that doesn't even include counter tops, sink or a faucet. OUCH!! Oh well, I guess we will just have to get beyond that and think about the end result. At least that is what I am telling myself, I cannot wait to hear what Tim has to say about it. I sure hope Sears or Home Depot have some great sales this spring so I can actually get it all at once.
As told by Suzanne at 6:43 PM Your Thoughts(0)
Tim was able to look at one final house before he came back from the US last week and I 'think' we have found a house. Now the issue is when do we make an offer? Tim called the home owner this afternoon and asked a few questions and we are now waiting for an email with some paperwork that Tim requested. Once we get that and look it over we will make an offer and then the negotiations begin. The house has an amazing yard and the house is very nice. Of course, we would need to do paint and carpet, not because we have to but rather that we would want to. What really amazes me is that this is being done without my even seeing the house in person but rather through photos only!!
As told by Suzanne at 2:31 PM Your Thoughts(1)
You know the feeling when something is SO darn funny that you have tears streaming down your face? Well, I have done just that after reading Diana's blog post {HERE}. I was sitting here alone in the house and tears were running down my face as I can so hear her saying this. It is a good thing that Tim 'lost' it with her and not some other strange woman.
We are finally adjusting to the time change after our trip and getting back to a 'normal' schedule. The kids went back to school on Tuesday and are back in the swing of things. The weather still is bad but what does one expect it is the winter in England. We have a had a lot of rain and the river looks like it could possibly flood over the banks. Up in Scotland they are getting snow rather than the rain...it is amazing how different the weather can be especially since we are about 2 hours from the Scottish border.
As told by Suzanne at 7:56 AM Your Thoughts(3)
It seems inevitable that upon our return from a trip to the USA I have a period of just the blahs...I am not homesick per se but coming back just seems to put me in a mood for a week or so and I get over it. This time is no different except that I think I am just very excited about the move back later this year and knowing that it is definitely going to happen makes it that much better.
Don't get me wrong our time here has been very good for various reasons but I can honestly say I am ready to move back. I am tired of living in a house that is NOT MINE. I want to be able to paint a room over the weekend just because I want to. I know it is trivial but for someone who likes to paint rooms on a whim...it is a huge thing.
I made ZERO progress in cleaning out the kitchen today, in fact, I didn't even work on it. I hope to get on with it tomorrow as the weather here at the moment is cold, rainy and very windy so I'd rather stay in and clean rather then venture outside. I am probably making the kitchen to sound so much worse that it is, in fact, it is the easiest room to start with ~ maybe that is why I chose it??
As told by Suzanne at 6:03 PM Your Thoughts(1)
As told by Suzanne at 6:37 AM Your Thoughts(1)
This about says it all I think!
As told by Suzanne at 10:21 AM Your Thoughts(2)
As told by Suzanne at 8:49 AM Your Thoughts(3)
As told by Suzanne at 6:17 PM Your Thoughts(1)