Thursday, May 08, 2008

Small World....

Since starting this blog I have found myself at various other blogs of varying topics. A few months ago I came upon a blog of a family who were in the process of adopting a little girl from China. How I got to her blog I can't remember ~ obviously, from someone else's. Anyway, I thought the woman looked familiar and I could have SWORN I went to college with her. I have from time to time stopped by her blog to see if she had any updates and one day she had a video on the blog. The video had her voice and I KNEW it was her. I posted a comment and asked a few questions to see if it was her and sure enough it was! What really makes this such a small world is that she currently lives less than an hour from our house in the US. Hopefully we can meet up and catch up on each others lives.


2 kids...3 martinis said...

That is so cool! It IS a small world...and it's amazing to read so many blogs of people who are having the same experience as you, no matter where in the world they are.

Denise said...

Wow...that is such a small world!!