Thursday, May 29, 2008

I'm LOVING it!

The backsplash was installed in the kitchen today and I LOVE IT! They will be back tomorrow to finish it up but even unfinished it looks so much different. It is amazing how a backsplash can transform a room.
This is the design over the cooktop{while in progress}. The original design we were given was a bit to simple so Tim and I modified it to something with a bit more wow to it. I am very pleased with how it has turned out. It will make cooking fun in that area ~ ok, not really but it sounds better.


Hull Family said...

Wasn't the cooktop in the corner before - beside the fridge? That is a better place for it. Love the backsplash! Can't wait to see it all!

Diana said...

I can not wait to have BuNcO there is JUNE...opps.
I guess I should not have told you that the first party is when you are not there:)
Love Love Love it..
Can not wait to see it with the counters showing!

Anonymous said...

I love the tile - it looks really nice in your kitchen. Sounds like you are having fun getting ready for your move!