Saturday, September 01, 2007

What Do You Think??

I don't know if Britney's new song is the big buzz where you are but that is ALL we are hearing about at the moment here. I will admit I sing along to her on the radio but I am not sure about this one.....maybe it will be one that the more you hear it the more you like it.

Let me say that I DID NOT create this video...found it on YouTube.

Hope you are having a great Saturday....the weather here was perfect and we went to the beach. Tonight it is adult night ~ we are going out with another couple for dinner and drinks!


Diana said...

I am sooo over her..I am thinking we are listening to different stations as I NEVER hear any of her songs on the radio.

Hull Family said...

She sounds more and more like White Trash with each song! Not loving it at all! It is pretty bad when the way she is being lately makes KFed look almost normal - - - good luck to those kids of theirs!