Monday, February 11, 2008

I Can't Be 20 Years??

I received an email over the weeking informing me of my 20th high school reunion. What the H*ll it hasn't been 20 years has it? Well, yes it has and wow that sure makes you feel old. I can remember thinking how exciting it was going to be when I was 16 so I could drive a car. Then it was 18 and going to college. Then 21 so you could 'legally' drink a beer! Ok 30 was a good birthday to look forward to as well ~ then we became grownups . Now they just don't seem so exciting anymore we are just OLD.
Now let's address the photo that appeared in the senior yearbook. Just looking at it again makes me mad all over again. The school didn't let us use the photos that we had taken independently for senior photos but rather this idiot who came into the school. The problem being was you had one photo taken and no matter how crappy it turned out it was used. What was I thinking? Pink frost lipstick? Someone should have told me how BAD it looked. {even in black and white it looks bad}. Obviously, the turned up collar is in homage to Don Johnson and the whole Miami Vice look. My mother really should have told me this sweater belonged in the trash rather than on me. In the yearbook the photos are in color, not sure why this one is in black and white, as it was sent to me.

So since I have shared this hideous photo with you I challenge you, my loyal readers, to post your senior photo on your blog so I can laugh at yours just as you are laughing at mine.


Diana said...

Sad thing is I think you still WEAR that frosted pink

Hull Family said...

Challenge accepted - check out my blog! Guess I've never really been a "trend follower" as I don't think you can really tell it was 1980 by looking at the picture! You know you thought you looked really great in that sweater!!

2 kids...3 martinis said...

You are so stylin' back in 1988! My hair was SO much bigger than yours! I will accept your challenge as soon as I find my photo! Thanks for making me laugh today!!!

Diane said...

Oh puhleeze! We all wore pink frosted lipstick and frosty blue eyeliner! I'll do ya one better than my senior pic (in '86) sorority pic from '87! Talk about BIG hair, FROSTED PINK lipstick and FROSTED BLUE eyeliner. OMG! I have one from the sorority with myself,my "big sis" and my "lil' sis". We look like the frosted triplets! OMG!

Anonymous said...

"My mother really should have told me this sweater belonged in the trash rather than on me."

Ah what???? Like you really would have listened to me at that age??. That's right, always blane the mother!

The Mother