Sunday, April 20, 2008

Same Language?

In response to Karen's comment on the post below I thought I would take a few moments to discuss the English language here in the UK. Prior to our move here we had the false sense of security of speaking the 'SAME' language. Well, as we soon found out it is not the same but similar!

Here are few examples of the same BUT different words:
custodian = person who tends to graveyards
caretaker = prison personnel
sister = nurse {also family relation}
tea = dinner {evening meal}
dinner = lunch
cheers = thank you
biscuits = cookies
wardrobe = closet
lorry = truck
garage = gas station
garden = yard
rubber = eraser
canteen = cafeteria
fag = cigarette


2 kids...3 martinis said...

So, if someone is gay, do they say, "come out of the wardrobe?"

Hull Family said...

Thanks for the education! I actually did know a few of them - just not the tea being dinner one. I often feel like a caretaker....

susanb said...

Do they still use chips for french fries and crisps for chips?