Saturday, April 19, 2008

What Was THAT???

Well, this weeks episode of Britain's Got Talent auditions did not disappoint! I have to give credit where credit is due and BRAVO to this woman for having the courage/mindset/stupidity to go on this show to WOW us with her dance talents. As for her choice of outfit?? That is cause for concern.

OK, as Dr. Phil would say "let's get real about this" she doesn't really have that much as far as talent goes but she sure knows how to put on a show. . I could not help but to smile during this....Simons face is priceless!!


Diana said...

See, I knew it was OK to wear a regular BRA with a halter shirt!!!
She had some MOVES..some to the right and some to the left and some both at the same time;-)

Hull Family said...

Exactly how do you "burn the kids tea?". Loved the guy off stage commenting "there's going to be some spillage!" Doesn't he know the phrase is "wardrobe malfunction"?

2 kids...3 martinis said...

SeXy!!!! I agree...I'd love to see more of that...I haven't laughed so much in days! Thanks for posting that :)