It's Official.....
After much thought and discussion the kids and I are leaving the UK next summer!! Yipppppeeeeee....we are currently approaching our 3 year anniversary here in the UK and it is time to go. Tim will not, however, come back with us until about December of '08. It is important that the kids start school next fall in the US and are settled for a month or so before school starts. So it looks like we will move back early July. This means that there will be many trips back to the US between now and then and we are excited for the change. Our time here has been very good with lots of travel and the kids have done well in school. The one thing we won't miss is the weather :-}
ps...a few of you already knew this information but now you can tell your kids too!!
ps...a few of you already knew this information but now you can tell your kids too!!
Update on Christopher: He is still sick. His temperature has been between 102-103 all weekend and goes down to 100 with medicine. He is going to the doctor in the morning to be checked out so no school for a few days for him.
That's great news about moving back to the good ol' USA. Where will you go? Indiana? I didn't know you had been gone for 3 years! What a great experience for your family!
I hope your son bounces back soon!
OMG..You are moving back and you never told me!!!
You would love the weather here. it is STILL 90 and my kids are soo ready for cooler weather as they soo are ready for different clothes! I actually floated yesterday and am planning on tomorrow year you can float with me:)
This just may be Emily's favorite birthday present today!!!
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