Sunday, December 07, 2008

Violin Performance & Basement Remodel

This past week Maggie had her winter violin concert. She has been participating in a program at school via the local philharmonic orchestra. This is her first year so their songs are quite simple but she LOVES it. She was quite nervous before the concert and you can see the releif on her face when she is finished with her first song. There were close to 150 kids so it was a bit chaotic but very cute! { I have video to upload but blogger isn't cooperating at the moment....I will try to add it again later}

Tim has spent the last few weeks planning the remodel of the family room AKA kids area. somewhat finished ~ there is a dropped ceiling and two of the walls have paneling and the others are the painted cinder block.The basement is divided into two sections and we are redoing only one part. The other half is the work area/furnace/scrap/storage everything else room. On Saturday, Tim and I began the process...yep I used power tools. I must say they miter saw is a cool thing to work with. We have about 80% of the walls framed and it is neat to see progress. We were not originally going to drywall the ceiling but do another dropped ceiling but have changed to going ahead and drywalling it {YEAH...that is what I wanted} The goal is to have the room drywalled and all lighting done by the end of the year ~ then the painting and flooring done in early January.


Denise said...

Wow that is a huge project! But once it's done you will have so much more useable room and the kids will have a great place to hang out. Good luck!!

Diana said...

Can not wait to see it all done:)

Hull Family said...

That's going to make a world of difference down there! It won't look like a creepy paneled basement!