Thursday, December 18, 2008

Dear Santa...

I received the following email from Maggie's teacher this afternoon. This is so cute... I am reading over Santa letters and here is what part of her's says...

"This year I have been thinking, maybe I don't need more toys I already have what I need. .... I will get lots of toys from family and friends and relatives. So give more toys to the needy than me, in fact don't give me any toys at all." ~ How sweet! Just thought I'd share. ~Katy

Now the big questions is....I wonder if Santa will actually listen to her?


Diana said...

What a SWEET little girl:)
I am sure she has NEVER said "H-E-double hockey stick" before!!!

2 kids...3 martinis said...

Wow! That's awfully kids would never say that in a million years! You know, they are so deprived I'm sure they'd be glad some little girl in Columbus is not asking for toys this year...means more for them!!