Speed Conferencing...
Tonight was Maggie's teacher conferences at school and I must say it was quite an experience! Since she has moved up in the building and has multiple teachers the conferences are done differently. All of the teachers were in the small gym and the parents had seats in the middle for while they were waiting. You then sat with the teacher and had a set amount of time to discuss your child and any concerns you may have...THEN a bell would ring and you get up and move to the next teacher. Tim laughed and said it was like speed dating. Now how would he know about that? Maggie is doing well in her classes so that was good.NOW...on to one of my favorite subjects SHOPPING ~ not your ordinary shopping but day after Thanksgiving shopping. I found the BEST site last night (tgiblackfriday) and thought I'd share it with my friends and readers in the USA. What makes this a great site you ask...well let me tell you.
- it has a shopping list feature so you can keep track of what you want at each store.
- it shows similar sales at other stores for each item.
How GREAT is that?? I have a list started so I will be shopping online while my dear friends are standing in line, in the dark, in the wee early hours of the morning {yes I am JEALOUS}.

I will have my cell phone turned on:)
I know I am going to CC and Target!!!
Next year we can get matching shirts and reindeer antlers and SHOP TOGETHER!!!
Denise will not wear either so I said I knew you would:)
Yeah Tim....speed dating?
The dreaded M-I-L
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