Friday, November 30, 2007


A couple of days ago I had the misfortune of falling down the stairs. Not just a couple of them but ALL of them! To say it hurt would be an understatement. I have been a bit sore but getting on with things....that was until this afternoon. While walking I had this piercing pain and now I cannot sit at all. The culprit is a bruised/broken tailbone ~ the pain is unbelievable! The bruising I have it unbelievable. I have never seen bruises this dark before. I have had to look in the mirror to see the damage and it is not a pretty sight!!

This is a photo I found on Google images and it pretty well represents what my butt looks like at the moment...again, this is not my butt it is someone Else's.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Brownie Points!

Once again I can post that the Cleveland Browns have won another game with a score of 27-17!! It is amazing the turnaround the team has made. Their record is currently 7-4, do you see that 7 wins!! Could it be possible that they may even make the playoffs this year???

Photo credit: Gregory Shamus/AFP/Getty Images

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

We hope that everyone back in the US has a great day with their families and friends. As it is not celebrated here in the UK the kids were in school and Tim was at work. We will be having our Thanksgiving dinner Saturday night with some friends.

This Thanksgiving holiday take time to think of our families and friendships we treasure and to remember those who are no longer with us; they are forever in our hearts.

Have a wonderful holiday.

Monday, November 19, 2007


Ok, only a TRUE Browns fan will appreciate the events of the game this past Sunday and WHAT A GAME!!! Visions of the cardiac kids and the teams of the past are brought to mind. Only this team would have such an amazing result and force overtime and WIN the game 33-30! Yahoo Brownies!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Speed Conferencing...

Tonight was Maggie's teacher conferences at school and I must say it was quite an experience! Since she has moved up in the building and has multiple teachers the conferences are done differently. All of the teachers were in the small gym and the parents had seats in the middle for while they were waiting. You then sat with the teacher and had a set amount of time to discuss your child and any concerns you may have...THEN a bell would ring and you get up and move to the next teacher. Tim laughed and said it was like speed dating. Now how would he know about that? Maggie is doing well in her classes so that was good.

NOW...on to one of my favorite subjects SHOPPING ~ not your ordinary shopping but day after Thanksgiving shopping. I found the BEST site last night (tgiblackfriday) and thought I'd share it with my friends and readers in the USA. What makes this a great site you ask...well let me tell you.

  • it has a shopping list feature so you can keep track of what you want at each store.
  • it shows similar sales at other stores for each item.

How GREAT is that?? I have a list started so I will be shopping online while my dear friends are standing in line, in the dark, in the wee early hours of the morning {yes I am JEALOUS}.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Britains Silliest Laws

A listing of the oddest laws has just been released and some of these are just too funny and worth sharing.

  • It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.
  • In Liverpool, it is illegal for a woman to be topless except as a clerk in a tropical fish store.
  • In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and requires the use of your toilet, you must let them enter.
  • In the city of York, it is legal to murder a Scotsman within the ancient city walls, but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow.
  • It is an act of treason to place a postage stamp bearing the British monarch upside-down.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Another Concert PLUS A Rant ~

Ok, first the good news { No, great news} our local football stadium has been trying to get permission to hold concerts in it for a few years now and they have always been turned down. Approval has FINALLY been given and the very first concert is none other than - drum roll......ELTON JOHN!! Yes, you read correctly he is coming to our small stadium July 5, 2008. This morning, I had the task of trying to get tickets for Tim and I plus the other two couples from the US currently living over here. I was successful and we have GREAT tickets, let me repeat GREAT tickets. Here is the seating map with our seats where the arrow is...we are in row C, which is row 3!! It would have been better if we were in the center but I am not complaining. I think we will have a great time and what a great way to END our time here in the UK ~ a week later the kids and I are on a plane back to the US.

Now for my rant.......
I went grocery shopping in Asda (a division of Wal-Mart), got everything I needed and proceeded to go to the checkout. I was given my total and handed her my debit card from the US, I told her it needed to be swiped. Side note : here in the UK all credit/debit cards are chip and pin, basically you put the card in the machine and enter your pin number rather than sign for it. So she swiped it and I signed the slip. She tells me the signatures DON'T match, first of all whose signature is always the same? Anyway, I offered my UK drivers license and she said sure give it to her. Again, she tells me the signatures don't match. I then gave her my US license and AGAIN she tells me they don't match. At this point I was angry and said " what do you want a blood sample??" A manager came over and was told the situation and told the cashier to approve my purchase as the photo ID was sufficient.

What a crock of SH!T.....I need to move...oh yeah, I am :-}

Sunday, November 04, 2007

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas....

Yep....the time has come ~ decorating the house for Christmas.

Much to Tim's dismay, all of the stuff is in the front entry way and awaiting its placement throughout the house.

Yes I know it is a tad bit early,{ok, really early} but I want to enjoy the decorations while I can. I have done the stairway and the two fireplace mantles for the time being.

Ellen, do you recognize the candle holders? I still LOVE them

Saturday, November 03, 2007


OK, so tonight is bonfire night and the large park about 10 minutes from the house has a great fireworks display and we have gone every year since our arrival in the UK.

All day we planned on going then about 1 hour before everyone in the house decided they really didn't want to go. SO, we stayed home. How lame is that??

As we live on a hill we were still able to see the display but from the comfort of the house, or in my case, from the driveway. I was able to get a few photos to document the night.

I know they would have been better if we actually went but these will do.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Look Who's EIGHT!!

Maggie is 8 today! It seems like she was just a baby and now she is a bright, energetic, fun girl ~ {a bit moody too}!!

We made pink cupcakes with sprinkles to bring into her class and tonight she has chosen her favorite restaurant for dinner. She is not having a party this year but tomorrow night is bonfire night, so she will see many of her friends there and it is just as much fun.

Be on the lookout for emails thanking you for her presents...she is quite anxious to start opening them.

**photo was from Halloween, she normally does not wear make-up**

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Wal-Marts Finest....

I was sent another great item via email and just HAD to share it.

There was a 'going away' party yesterday for a lady at an office. One of the supervisors called a Wal-Mart and ordered the cake.

He told them to write:
'Best Wishes Suzanne' and underneath that write 'We will miss you'.

As the picture shows, it didn't quite turn out right.