Thursday, July 07, 2011


I know it has been a long time since I have posted on the blog. It just seems like I have nothing to blog about and when I do think of something I quickly forget! Life around here has been rather uneventful but very busy. The kids are spending their summer break with camps, friends and fun. So I would say they are having a great time. Now that the 4th of July has passed the countdown is on to school in early August.

Sunday, May 08, 2011


Tonight was the Junior/Senior prom. Andrew and Nicholas got together and got dressed before they picked up their dates. It seems like only yesterday the two were in preschool together and tonight they were going to prom. It is hard to be the mom of the boy as the girls did all of the planning. It doesn't help that both boys were not really too concerned with the plans. I am sure they will have a great time.

The neat thing in our town is the parents and community go downtown and watch the kids come to prom and cheer and take photos ~ almost like a red carpet event and lots of flash photography!

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Winter Storm

We are in the midst of a HUGE winter storm, along with many other states. This is the current radar shot

 The pink is ICE...yep lots of it!! We did not have school today and I would guess that we won't have school again tomorrow. It would extend the school year but I would rather make up a day than have someone lose a life trying to get to school! This has been an awful winter and it is far from over.....

Sunday, January 23, 2011

6 months !

It has been 6 months since I last posted here. I am not exactly sure why but I am going to try to get back to this as it is fun to go back and look at what has been happening in our lives.

    Andrew completed another successful cross country season. They won the state meet and went on to the national championships where they placed 3rd. Andrew made All American status by placing 19th at the national meet.
     Christopher's marching band season was successful as well. Their program was very neat and although they did not qualify for the state championship they gave it their all.

    Maggie is loving the 5th grade. She has amazing friends and has quite the social life. Her love of reading has not changed and she reads 3 books a week!

    Winter Formal 2011
    This was a couple of weeks ago and both Andrew and Christopher attended. Andrew went with MacKenzie and Christopher went with Caryn. They all looked so nice and had a great time. It is hard to believe that the current school year is half way over and I will soon have a Senior and Junior in high school. The college search process has begun and it is a daunting task!! 
    Caryn and Christopher
    The group

    MacKenzie and Andrew

    The gang