Friday, October 31, 2008

On the road to STATE....

And they are OFF....the cross country team left at lunchtime today to head to Indiana State University for the State meet tomorrow. The kids were very excited to be going and besides the event they were THRILLED with their BUS!! Prior to leaving the coach had some words of encouragement to say to everyone then announced the reason for the PIMPED bus. They had arranged for the mini busses to take the team but the athletic director said they needed to all travel in 1 bus so this is what he arranged...the coach has named it the Aerosmith tour bus as one of the coaches is name Steven Tyler :-}
Halloween photos to be posted later.....

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Look What I Did Today.....

Yep....that would be ME! I will be working at one of the local elementary schools. It is not a classroom teaching position but I will be interacting with students. It entailes a few more hours than I was originally thinking but this is a good opportunity and I am sure it will be very rewarding. Now make sure you ask me if I still feel the same way in a few weeks :-}

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Do you Etsy?

Oh my goodness.....if you are looking for a huge variety of handmade items then you need to check out Etsy. I have been to the site a few times in the past but it is now one of my favorite places for unique gifts for others OR myself :-} I have bought a few Christmas gifts already and I am sure I will get a few more. This is what I got for Maggie's teacher ~ isn't that the cutest key fob?? I also got one for the kid's piano teacher with a musical theme. I bought a few other items but can't tell you as I may give away what I got YOU this year.

On another note, the boys and girls cross country teams had a great day at the semi-state meet yesterday and advance to the state meet next weekend. The kids were so excited to make it to the next level....Tim gets home on Friday so he will be able to go with us to see the last meet of the high school season.

Friday, October 24, 2008


Andrew had his Halloween team dinner tonight and they all went in costumes. I have to say this mullet wig is too funny on him...I think he actually liked wearing it. These kids really came up with some cute costumes ~ 1960's milkman, mad scientist, scarecrow and my favorite a group of 'Barbies' : trailer Barbie, vet Barbie, cheerleader Barbie and a few others.

It was my turn to bring a fruit so I made fruit kabobs and stuck them into a pumpkin. The peeps ghosts added just the right finishing touch to the fruit.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

How Funny is THIS??

I thought I would just share something that is just plain was emailed to me a little while ago and while I am sure this photo is making the email/internet rounds ~ here it is just in case YOU haven't seen it yet :-}

I really have nothing of interest to post about at the moment. Things are busy with the kids at school and having everything in the house almost put away from the move. This weekend the cross country team is running in the semi-state tournament and hopefully they will all do well and move forward to the state race next weekend.

Andrew has decided to run in the Foot Locker Cross Country Championship Thanksgiving weekend in Wisconsin. There are quite a few members of his team who will be participating as well so it should be a fun weekend.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Name that Bird....

As Maggie and I were looking out the window checking out the fall leaves we saw this bird on the neighbors fence. Anyone know that it is??Maggie has been spending time with the bird watching book to figure out what it is...I think its some type of hawk or similar.
Check out this tree across the street...isn't it just beautiful??

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fabulous BROWNS....

It is about time....the team showed up to win and last night they won BIG!! No one expected the Browns to be even close with the NY Giants yet alone win 35-14!! To have such a game on Monday night football and at home is awesome. The Cleveland Browns and their fans finally have something to cheer about. Maybe this is a sign of the turn around that is much needed ~we know they can DO IT!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Stupid machine

I bought this neat slushie maker a couple of months ago after seeing it featured on the Today show...well DON'T buy it! Maggie reminded me I had it after I kept going to the store to buy slushies for her as that is the only thing she is drinking at the moment. So, into the basement I went to get it out and use it for the first time today. The thing does not turned the liquid a few times and then stopped. After going online and reading reviews this is a common problem with it and people do not like it. HOW ANNOYING!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Feeling Better and Dining Room.....

Maggie is feeling a bit better today. She still doesn't want to eat and I have to remind her to drink but otherwise she is MUCH better than she has been. Maggie says 'thank you' for the gifts that she has received.

Our new furniture for the dining room arrived today and of course I REALLY like it :-} It took a while to find some curtains that I liked to use as an accent in the room and finally found some last weekend. I spent the morning putting up the curtain rods ~ yes, I drilled pilot holes and used the wall anchors { Tim} so they are up properly. I did not want a traditional china hutch and the server I found just works perfectly. It has enough space to hold all of my stuff and I even have an empty drawer still. You can't really see much of it but it gives you a general idea.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

NEW Personal BEST ~

Andrew had a meet today, which I did not attend as I was home with Maggie, and he had an AMAZING race. He ran a personal season best.....a 5K in 18 minutes flat! {23 seconds faster than his previous season best} He placed 14th out of 56 runners. He has really worked hard this year and it is paying off ~

Not SO Happy Camper...

Maggie is still have a rough time with her recovery. She did sleep throught the night which was a good thing. She was up briefly at 6am, had a drink and some medicine and was back to sleep until noon. She is resting on the sofa watching tv with the ice pack on her neck. She is doing great with having sips of liquid so that is a very good thing.

It is now 1:30 and she is asleep again....

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

So long tonsils....

**UPDATE: She is finally in a deep sleep. I picked up her new medicine this evening and it is working. Hopefully, she will have a restful night ~ me too! :-}**

Maggie had her tonsillectomy this morning. The procedure went well and was very quick. The doctor said that her tonsils and adenoids were worse than they had anticipated so removing them was definitely the best thing to do. Her recovery, on the other hand, is not as smooth. She is in a lot of pain and discomfort. We have called the doctor to get a different type of pain medicine as what she has doesn't seem to be working. Hopefully she will get a few good naps in today and she rest comfortably. I did not take my camera with me to document the pre and post surgery....

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Why oh WHY am I doing this??

Yep, I am having a garage sale this weekend. I can honestly say this is the first time I REALLY am not looking forward to doing it. There is stuff from the remodel and a bunch of other stuff that needs a new home rather than the dump so hopefully my trash will be someone else's treasure. What ever is left at the end of the day Saturday is off to GW store...I am keeping NONE of it.

I am SO not ready~hopefully I will find some motivation in the next few hours otherwise I am stuck.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

D@mn Geometry

Ok...having Tim away is REALLY hard on nights like this. I am SO not a math person and Andrew needed a bit of help with tonights homework. Once I got beyond the fact that I had NO idea what I was looking at....I was actually of some help. We figured out what he needed to do but the answer just didn't look right.

So we made a call to Uncle Scott ~ he has his PHD so surely he could help.....if he only was home to answer the phone! Then we made a call to grandpa and luckily he was of help and confirmed that yes what Andrew was doing was correct and so although he thought his answer was wrong he was correct. PHEW.....did I tell you I am NOT a math person??